Education Centre
Old APP to new APP update instruction
Step 1:Old APP to New APP force update instruction

Login to PAObank APP and click [Update Now] to install the upgraded version of APP 2
Download the new PAObank APP from the App Stores. 3
New Welcome Page with direct access to view information about APP, Service Information Details (links from previous [Information Center]), and time deposit products. - Customer can select to [Login] or [Open account] to enter.Step 2:Retrieving username and password to log in.

Existing customers : Please use your existing username and password to log in the new app. 2
Enter mobile phone number and SMS OTP authentication code 3
You can retrieve the username to log in. 4
First, enter the mobile phone and SMS OTP authentication code. 5
Then please complete eKYC verification. 6
Finally, reset your passwordStep 3:Reset PIN when successfully logging in to the home page.

To protect the security of your account, please set up your security device PIN now! 2
Step 1: Please enter your mobile phone number and SMS OTP verification code. 3
Step 2: Please complete eKYC verification 4
Step 3: Please set your security device PIN 5
You have completed all the steps of PAObank APP upgrade, please enjoy the digital banking service!New APP Home Page view at different onboarding status
First time’s activation of APP, opening application in progress Home Page after account is opened and login

Home Page of first time’s activation of APP: required functions (e.g. time deposit product enquiry, contact us information) and links (e.g. Terms and Conditions) can be directly accessed without the need of a search. 2
Home Page of account opening application in progress: you can view available products and functions in advance! 3
Home Page after account is opened and login: Experience fully upgraded user interface!New APP upgrade features
Function 1 - Home Page - Account Overview
Function 1 - Home Page - Frequently used services and functions
Function 1 - Home Page - Time Deposit
Function 2 - Settings

[Settings] (including language setup, security setup, transaction limit setup, edit personal information) and [LiveChat] are placed in home page for speedy access. 2
Through the [Menu] link, functions related to account information enquiry and processes such as e-Statement enquiry, and transaction limit change can be accessed. Other information and functions such as service information details, setting, FAQ and online customer service can also be accessed at the same location conveniently! 3
In the savings account page, customer can copy account information to clipboard to ease usage outside the APP. 4
View the status of your account, deposit and withdrawal transactions, etc. 5
Other functions can be enquired / accessed on the same page again such that customer does not need to navigate back and forth.Function 3 - FPS & Transaction - FPS registration
Function 3 - FPS & Transaction - Fund Transfer

Quickly select transfer with through FPS Proxy or bank account number. 2
Transfer page displays the payee information of most recent 5 transfer transactions Click to select the payee and the respective FPS Proxy ID / account details will be retrieved and displayed automatically without the need of repeated input!Function 3 - FPS & Transaction - Transaction History and Filter