80% or 90% guarantee product

PAObank aims to provide flexible loan solutions to SMEs and help them seize business opportunities.

80% or 90% guarantee product under the SME Financing Guarantee Scheme provided by HKMCI

Full rebate of
guarantee fee1
No additional fee, apart from interest expense
Early repayment without penalties
Loan amount up to

For enquiries, please contact PAObank customer service hotline at 3762 9900

Terms and conditions apply

To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!

  1. Full rebate of guarantee fee provided by PAObank is applicable to selected SMEs which successfully drawdown the loan on or before 31 Dec 2022. Guarantee fee will be rebated to clients’ savings account on or before specific date. Clients should maintain an active savings account and loan account at the time when the rebate is made, and there is no overdue record. Please refer to “SME Financing Guarantee Scheme (80% or 90% Guarantee Product) Full Guarantee Fee Rebate Terms and Conditions” for more details.